A recent article in ‘The Economist’ ( Which EU county is winning our economic pentathlon? (economist.com)) looked at how different economies across the European Union were facing up to five major challenges: demand, debt, demography, decarbonisation and decoupling (from the world’s autocracies).
Normandy plays a large part in that success, with one of the highest proportions of its regional GDP coming from industry of any French region; a particularly strong energy sector from nuclear right through to renewables; and the approval by the Normandy Regional Council – as far back as October 2018 – of a support plan for the hydrogen sector. This plan has the twin objectives of accelerating the energy transition and decarbonisation of the economy, as well as creating a sector of the future in Normandy.
All of this is backed-up by an excellent logistics sector, two complimentary port systems: HAROPA Port (covering Le Havre, Rouen and Paris) and the ‘Ports de Normandie’ (Caen-Ouistreham, Cherbourg, Dieppe); and a mobilities sector that is leading the way towards decarbonised mobility with the first-of-its kind autonomous vehicle testing site, the key Renault site in Normandy reconfigured for the production of electric motors, Ebusco setting up on the neighbouring site for the production of 100% electric buses and Normandy leading the way on hydrogen production in France.
This is coupled with an excellent work-life balance, a beautiful countryside and coastline, a gastronomic heritage and all within easy reach of Paris!