Back to school on the job front for NAE

Normandy’s aeronautics cluster is back in the job market. Since the start of 2024, the sector has seen an increase in job vacancies compared with 2023, and forecasts are good for the end of the year, with a trend that will continue into the first quarter of 2025. The cluster hopes to recruit around 2,000 workers this year and next.

Since January, the NAE’s recruitment platform: Nos offres d’emploi | NAE ( has registered 349 job offers, including 205 from major contractors and 144 from SMEs.

As of 1 September 2024, of the 80 job vacancies to be filled, the majority are for permanent contracts (60), followed by fixed-term contracts (7), temporary work (7) and, finally, work-study contracts (5) and 1 work placement.

To support recruitment in the region, NAE will be present with companies such as CNC LEBRUN, ELDIM, REVIMA and SERBE at dedicated meetings throughout Normandy.

To meet NAE and these companies at upcoming job and training fairs, go to:

‘24 hours for employment’:

NAE was present at the Rouen event – Zénith de la métropole Rouen Normandie (September 12), with REVIMA (Rives-en-Seine) and SERBE (Pont-Audemer).

It was also present at Caen – Palais des Congrès (17 September) with ELDIM (Hérouville-Saint-Clair).

NAE will be present at the ‘24 heures pour l’emploi’ event in Le Havre – Carré des Docks (3 October). In the presence of CNC LEBRUN (Honfleur) – REVIMA (Rives en Seine) – SERBE (Pont-Audemer)

Normandy Region, historic supporter of the NAE cluster:

The industry contract for the period 2023-2025, confirmed in April 2023, between the Normandy Region and the NAE association, which brings together the major players in the aeronautics, space, defence and security sectors in Normandy, has been supplemented by a €2.8m grant, enabling the various players to set up long-term initiatives. Today, the NAE cluster has 167 members, representing 21,500 employees, with strong recruitment prospects in the coming months. Its turnover of over €4 billion has now exceeded that of 2019. Over the past 3 years, NAE has made significant inroads into the defence sector. NAE’s strategy for 2023-2025 is built around strong development opportunities in ‘Defence Europe’, accelerating decarbonisation, the booming drone market and new space. These opportunities, which represent an unprecedented growth windfall, nevertheless require ever greater innovation, cyber protection and international influence.

Case Aeronautics, space, defence and security

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